Introducing Tinkercad Classrooms


Teachers, we heard you needed a faster way to get your students started in Tinkercad. For this new school year, we’ve simplified the process of getting students up and running with a new feature we call Tinkercad Classrooms. Now, students can start designing the moment class starts.

In Tinkercad Classrooms, students will log-in using a Nickname and Class Code created by you. You can change or update your students’ access at anytime without any downtime. Avoid the hassle of students remembering passwords or getting locked out of their work.

create class

You can access Tinkercad Classrooms, by selecting Classes under the profile navigation. If you do not see this feature, please confirm you have identified as a teacher on the Teach page. If you’ve previously identified yourself with us as something other than a teacher, you can contact Tinkercad support to have your account corrected.

To get started in Tinkercad Classrooms, select Create new class. You will be prompted to create a name for your class, add the grades/ages taught, and the subject.

Adding students


With that done, adding a student is as simple as adding each student’s name (anything identifiable to you) and a Nickname that your student will use to enter Tinkercad. To speed things along, Tinkercad will auto-generate a suggested Nickname based on the student name you enter, though you can customize it to anything you or the student prefers.


Student sign-on

When you are ready to have the students start designing in Tinkercad, have them visit our our site, select the new Join your class option visible on the home page, and use their Nickname and Class Code to sign on. This Class Code is unique to your classroom.


Reviewing student work


Another great benefit of organizing your students using Tinkercad Classrooms is the ability to quickly review your student’s designs. From the classroom listing, simply click the student’s name to browse through their designs.

More details

We’re very excited to have you give Tinkercad Classrooms a try, and we realize you may have many questions not addressed in this blog post. For further details, please see the Tinkercad Knowledgebase support article we have that lists some additional details and capabilities, as well as frequently asked questions.

We’d love to hear your feedback, so please reach out to us directly over Twitter or Facebook and let us know how Tinkercad is working for you and your students.